Make your hiring autonomous and cheap!
Candidate Report And Assessment Proctoring

1. AI-Powered Assessment Evaluation

Optimize your hiring process with's AI-powered assessment evaluation.

Leverage cutting-edge technology to swiftly and accurately assess candidate results, enabling data-driven hiring decisions.

Say goodbye to manual evaluations and hello to streamlined, efficient candidate assessment.

2. Explore The Best Candidates

Explore top candidates effortlessly with's comprehensive candidate list feature.

Access vital candidate data at a glance, empowering you to make informed hiring decisions swiftly.

Elevate your recruitment strategy by effortlessly identifying the best-fit candidates through our intuitive list view.

3. Code Playback

Unlock the full potential of's code replay feature, providing more than just playback capabilities.

Detect code plagiarism and monitor candidate activity with precision, ensuring a fair and transparent assessment process.

Say hello to enhanced evaluation security and streamline your candidate screening with confidence.

4. Anti-Cheating System

Discover peace of mind with's cutting-edge anti-cheating feature.

Ensure fair and reliable assessments while keeping the integrity of your tests intact.

Say goodbye to cheating worries and embrace a seamless evaluation experience.

5. Automatically Score Candidate's Answer

Accelerate your hiring process with's advanced auto-scoring feature.

Effortlessly assess candidate responses and receive instant, accurate scores, saving you time and effort.

Streamline your evaluation process and make data-driven hiring decisions with confidence.
Unlimited Candidate Invite

2. Invite Candidate Via Email

Effortlessly invite candidates through email with's customizable invitation feature.

Personalize each message to create a tailored and engaging candidate experience.

Streamline your recruitment process and leave a lasting impression with our intuitive email invitation system.
Fully Customize Question, Test, And Assessment

1. Custom Question

Empower your assessments with's versatile platform offering custom question creation.

From coding challenges to essay prompts, multiple-choice questions to file uploads, tailor your evaluations to match your unique hiring needs.

Discover the flexibility and precision to find the perfect candidate for your team effortlessly.

2. Custom Programming

Empower your assessments with's versatile platform offering custom question creation.

From coding challenges to essay prompts, multiple-choice questions to file uploads, tailor your evaluations to match your unique hiring needs.

Discover the flexibility and precision to find the perfect candidate for your team effortlessly.

3. Ready-made Test Library

Tap into expertise with's ready-made test library, thoughtfully curated by industry professionals.

Access a vast array of pre-designed assessments, meticulously crafted to evaluate various skills and roles.

Simplify your hiring process and discover top talent with the help of our expertly curated test library.